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Widowers: Top 3 Reasons Why We're So Difficult To Date

If you’re up for a challenge, dating a widower is for you. At the same time, if you think finding love with someone who's lost it is all fun and games, you don't know what you're in for. From a widower's perspective, you can trust us that trying to go out with a man who’s lost his wife is no picnic, and below you'll se why.

dating a widower

Reason #1: We’re Grieving

Widowers are a special breed of men who vowed to love one woman until death. That’s perfectly fine, but nobody ever told us what to do in case we’re the surviving spouse. Where does the love go? Matters of the heart are always complicated, and this is no different, but let's try to put it this way - some of it stays in our hearts forever, and some of it is turned into grief. How do we deal with it? Well, as best as we can, but what you need to know is that the grief is there, and it's not going anywhere, so we're not always fun people to be around.

Reason #2: Our Kids Don’t Approve

In case we have kids, chances are they won’t be comfortable seeing us with other women. No matter how old they are, they’ll feel like we’re trying to replace their mother one way or another. This doesn’t mean we’ll never date, and it certainly doesn't mean we don't like you, but this is something to keep in mind as we move forward, and you stop merely dating a widower and start being an important part of my life. This isn't anything personal, but it is rather significant because our kids, like yours, do come first.

Reason #3: Our Wife’s Side of the Family Isn’t Thrilled About It Either

For the sake of our kids and because many of them are our friends, our wife's family members are still in our lives, and we don't want them to go anywhere. This may be awkward for you, and it is certainly awkward for me, but like we said before, widower dating is no walk in the park. Needless to say, they’re not too thrilled we’re dating, but know very well that life goes on so they won’t say anything. They don’t have to. We know what they’re thinking, and now so do you.

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