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HIV Dating: Top 4 Tips For Dating A Positive Person

Dating itself can be tricky, and dating a person who is HIV positive can be even worse. You have to know what you should and shouldn’t say so your date doesn’t get offended. It can sound daunting, but trust us, it isn’t. Here are some guidelines which will help you with the HIV dating process. Good luck!

Don’t focus on their condition

HIV dating

When you meet an HIV positive person in offline or online world, don't focus on their status. Instead, take interest in who they really are. They are a person of flesh and blood, just like you and me, and they have their own hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes and interests. Talk about their hobbies, favorite movies, books or musicians. Asking too many questions about their condition can make them feel uncomfortable. When you are dating someone with HIV, save HIV related questions for your fourth or fifth date, when you see that your relationship is going somewhere.​​ Don’t be a know-it-all

When you are HIV positive dating, it is perfectly normal that you want to know everything there is about that condition. However, you don’t have to shower your date with that knowledge. Your dates will feel less romantic and more like a visit to the doctor’s office. Don’t sound like an educational pamphlet, your partner probably knows more than you. Although you are just trying to be supporting and considerate, your love interest will soon get tired of the fact that your conversation always revolve around HIV status. So try to have fun and focus on their qualities instead of their condition. Try not to assume

Just because your date has HIV, doesn’t mean they have locked themselves in their house. People with HIV go to the movies, go out with friends, swim, ski, take vacations, work, go to college and lead active lives. Today there are proper treatments for HIV. With recent drug therapy, the viral load can be greatly reduced. If your date follows their treatment plan, they can lead a fulfilled life and it’s less likely that you will be infected. However, always use protection. Use condoms during intimacy at all times, because besides HIV you are at risk from other sexually transmitted infections. Don’t pay attention to what people say

If you find someone really interesting, funny, and smart, but they have HIV, try your best not to crumble under the society’s pressure. Many people will convince you that you are playing with fire. Unfortunately, some people are still afraid of HIV positive individuals and though they have no idea how the disease is transmitted, they continue to spread disinformation. If you really like an HIV positive person, educate yourself and find out how you can stay safe. There are many ways to do that so do not reject a person you like just because they are positive.

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